Learning About Rodent Pets

  • 3 Reasons To Avoid Giving Your Dog Raw Foods

    12 October 2018

    Many pet owners believe that their dog will thrive on a raw diet. While varying opinions exist on whether or not a raw diet is adequate, the research shows that raw foods and your canine companion shouldn't mix. Giving your dog raw foods could be setting him or her up for serious illness. When you understand the risks associated with feeding your dog raw foods, you will be more inclined to keep your pet on a strict diet of vet-approved foods instead.

  • Benefits Of Spaying Your Dog

    8 June 2018

    If you have a female dog that isn't spayed then you have probably been having people tell you how important it is for you to have her spayed. If you haven't gone through this before, then it may not be something you have given much thought to in the past and you may not even really know much about it. If this is the case, then you should read this article which will give you a lot of information on the benefits of spaying your dog.

  • Keys To Bringing Home A Poodle Puppy

    6 March 2018

    To make sure that you are looking to become a dog owner, it's important that you figure out how you can buy puppies and take them in on your own terms. When you become a dog owner, look into poodles as an option. You can buy poodle puppies for sale when you take advantage of the tips in this article so that you are able to make your home a welcoming haven for a new dog.

  • Tips For Helping Your Elderly Dog Get Pain Relief From Their Arthritis

    2 May 2017

    If your elderly dog has developed a problem with painful arthritis in their joints, then you will be happy to know that there are a variety of different ways you can help alleviate their pain. Since not all dogs respond the same way to medications and treatments, you may need to use a variety of different strategies to obtain the maximum relief for your dog. When searching for the combination of treatments that works for your elderly dog's pain, follow each of these tips:

  • Getting Your Dog Necessary Help After It Eats Something Poisonous

    23 February 2017

    If you discovered your dog has eaten a poisonous substance, you are undoubtedly concerned about their medical condition and will want to get them assistance promptly. It is important to have an emergency veterinarian check out your dog to ensure they are not at risk of health problems. Here are some steps you can take before and during your trip to a veterinarian with your dog. Call a Vet to Get Necessary Instructions

  • Preventing Dental Disease In Your Cat

    17 June 2016

    Your cat will put up with a variety of health problems without a complaint. That includes anything wrong with their teeth. Like their human owners, cats can develop tooth and gum disease. If not addressed, the dental issues can become so severe that the only treatment is to pull all of your cat's teeth. You can keep your cat from going through this painful process by watching out for the following signs and getting your cat to the animal hospital should you spot one of these dental issues.

  • New Parrot Owners: Protect Your Feathered Friend From These Three Hidden Dangers In Your Home

    13 June 2016

    If you've never owned a pet parrot before, you may be surprised to learn of a few potential threats that could harm your new pet. Unlike other pets such as dogs and cats, birds are susceptible due to their delicate respiratory systems. The following is a list of three potential threats that could land your feathered friend in the animal hospital: 1. Overheated Nonstick Products This is a potential danger that may surprise some new parrot owners.